About us


Company information

Quantum Wealth SA (hereinafter “QW”) is joint-stock company established under Swiss law, in compliance with its own articles of association and the provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO), listed in the Register of Commerce of Canton Ticino since 13.10.2011, company and VAT number CHE-425.558.059, LEI code 25490097VGTT8REQ8I39. The legal office of QW is in Viale Giuseppe Cattori 5, 6902 Lugano-Paradiso, Switzerland, tel. +41 91 60 10 200, info@quantumwealth.swiss, website: www.quantumwealth.swiss. The company PKF Certifica SA, Lugano is our auditor and our auditor pursuant to FinSA.


Supervisory authority

QW is authorized by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA, www.finma.ch) as portfolio manager according to Art. 2 par. 1 lett. a FinIA in connection with Art. 5 par. 1 FinIA (authorization number F01291206). QW is submitted to the continuous supervision of a Supervisory Organisation according to Art. 61 of FinIA and Art. 43a ff. FINMASA, specifically OSFIN Supervisory Financial Organisation (www.osfin.ch, info@osfin.ch). QW is a financial intermediary pursuant to the Federal Act on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (AMLA, RS 955.0) and is subject to supervision pursuant to  AMLA exercised by OSFIN Supervisory Financial Organisation.


Purpose and core business

The goal of QW is to provide portfolio management services pursuant to Art. 17 (1) of the Swiss Federal Act on Financial Institutions (FinIA), on behalf of its own Clients and concerning their assets. The services in question are the management of financial instruments (portfolio management), provision of customized recommendations concerning operations with financial instruments (investment consultancy) and analysis of portfolios, in compliance with art. 3 c no. 1–4 FinSA.


Portfolio management mandate

By means of the Portfolio Management mandate, QW is authorized, considering the investment strategy and any instructions given by the Client (including any investment limitations), to autonomously define and modify the portfolio composition, and perform, at its own discretion, any purchase and sale operations, as cash or forward, both inside and outside the stock market, of all ordinary financial instruments and securities as defined by Art. 3, letters a and b FinSA and the Swiss Bankers Associations (SBA, www.swissbanking.ch). Depending on and considering the Client’s personal situation, their individual goals, expected income, risk/verification suitability pursuant to art. 12 FinSA, an investment strategy is defined within the framework of the options specified in the mandate. The strategy will be reviewed periodically to ascertain its efficacy and suitability and, if necessary, it will be redefined.


Investment Advisory mandate

By means of the Investment Advisory mandate, QW suggests to the Client, considering their customized investment strategy and any instructions (including any investment limitations), specific investment opportunities, including, but not limited to, purchase and sale operations, as cash or forward, both inside and outside the stock market, of all ordinary financial instruments and securities as defined by Art. 3, letters a and b FinSA and the Swiss Bankers Associations (SBA, www.swissbanking.ch). Depending on and considering the Client’s personal situation, their individual goals, expected income, a reference investment strategy is envisaged for the required consultancy, within the framework of the options specified in the mandate. The strategy will be reviewed periodically to ascertain its efficacy and suitability and, if necessary, it will be redefined. The Client will be solely responsible for the high levels of risk they choose if not complying with the suitability checks performed by QW.


Mediation procedure

Should any dispute arise concerning the interpretation and implementation of the Contracts, the Court of Lugano shall be competent exclusively. The Client is, in any case, entitled to start a mediation procedure pursuant to article 74 and subsequent articles FinSA before a mediation organisation, in our case the OFS Ombud Finance Switzerland, contact@ombudfinance.ch, www.ombudfinance.ch, of which we are a member. The submission of a mediation application to the mediation body does not exclude the possibility of taking the case to a civil court.


Information about risks

Operations with financial instruments are associated with opportunities and risks. Therefore, it is important to know and understand these risks before using a financial service. We recommend reading the booklet “Risks involved in Trading Financial Instruments” published by SBA, which contains general information on typical investment services, the characteristics and risks of financial instruments. Before making an investment, it is always necessary to consider this information about the risks. The booklet (June 2023 edition or a subsequent one) can be requested in hardback format or read on their Internet site at the following address: www.swissbanking.ch.


Information about costs / Payments

Within the framework of our financial services, some fees, costs, expenses and taxes can be applied, both by QW and by third parties (custodian bank, broker, service providers, charges relative to the financial instruments in the portfolio, etc.). The Client is entitled to ask for the details of any charges at any time.

As regards to QW, the Client is charged a quarterly fee in CHF and might be charged a yearly performance fee in CHF, as specified in point 7.1 of the Contract. The Client may be charged some additional expenses (for example out of the pocket expenses or reimbursements), as defined in point 7.3 of the Contract.

With reference to third parties’ costs, the custodian charges its own administrative fees and securities keeping fees, in addition to negotiation charges, stamp duties, third parties’ (brokers’) costs. If the Client resorts to service providers (for example, in case of reports issued by companies, foundations or trusts, Italian trust companies, life insurance companies, etc.), the relative costs and fees will also be entered in the Client’s bank statements, unless the opposite has been agreed on with the same service provider.

We would also like to draw the Client’s attention to the fact that certain financial instruments used within the framework of portfolio management, for instance investment funds, certificates, structured products, also include costs and fees charged by the issuer by means of the specific financial instrument.


Best execution

After the choice of the custodian or broker made by the Client within the framework of our proxies, the Client accepts that QW will not perform any further audits on the negotiation venues relative to courses, costs, quickness, performance execution and regulations pursuant to art. 21 par. 2 Ordinance FinSA (FinSO).


Information about economic constraints and conflicts of interests

Pursuant to art. 25 par. 2 FinSA and art. 26 FinSO, we hereby inform you that QW has implemented suitable organization measures to limit any potential conflicts of interest which may arise from the provision of financial services and to exclude that these conflicts may harm Clients. QW neither manages nor provides consultancy about investment funds. Neither does it distribute investment funds or any other financial instruments. Therefore, economic limitations and potential conflicts of interest are minimum. However, for the sake of completeness and transparency, since potential harm to Clients cannot be totally excluded, we inform you that the following circumstances or activities might cause a potential conflict of interest: index advisory on certificates (AMC) and trailer/service fees on third parties’ investment funds or structured products.


In order to reduce adverse circumstances, the following measures have been implemented:

  • QW staff members have been made aware of concentration and conflict of interests risks;
  • the said financial instruments may only account for a marginal percentage of the managed portfolio;
  • the salary policy of QW staff does not depend on and is not affected by the investment choices with regard to portfolio management.

Compliance with the abovementioned measures will be checked by our internal risk management team as well as be an external audit team.

Should QW send the Client a specific message, pursuant to art. 25 par. 2 FinSA, the Client shall be informed about any economic constraint and/or (potential) conflicts of interest in writing, specifying all the relevant details. The message shall be submitted by means of the form named “Statement of economic constraints and conflicts of interest”.


Market offer considered for the choice of financial instruments

QW selects financial instruments for the Client within a limited range of options, without any obligation to attribute a priority to those of certain issuers.


Unclaimed assets

Contacts with Clients may be interrupted and assets may subsequently become unclaimed assets. These assets might be eventually forgotten by Clients and their heirs. In order to avoid any loss of contact which may give rise to unclaimed assets, Clients are advised to take care of the following:

  • Name and address changes: Clients are invited to promptly report any change of domicile, address or first/last name.
  • Specific instructions: please provide indications about any long-term absences and requests to forward the correspondence to a different address or to temporarily keep the correspondence, and on how to be contacted in this period in case of urgency.
  • Powers of attorney: it is recommended to appoint an attorney whom QW may get in touch with in case of contact interruption.
  • Information to trusted people / Last will and testament provisions: a further possibility to prevent credits from becoming unclaimed is to inform a trusted person about the relationship with QW. However, QW can only provide this person with information if it was authorized to do so in writing. In addition to this, the assets in questions can be mentioned, for example, in a person’s last will and testament.

QW will be glad to answer any questions about these issues. Further information is also available in the booklet “Unclaimed assets, information from the Swiss Bankers Association”, also available on the following Internet site: www.swissbanking.ch.